Sunday, January 27, 2013

I get tired of ignorance

I get tired of ignorance. It leads to a lot of damage that could be avoided.

Ignorance is not being dumb, stupid, or lacking intelligence. It is being uninformed through your own actions or inactions. This too often leads to making claims, decisions, or professing things which simply make no sense in the final analysis.

Most recently the ignorance that has driven me to distraction is the idea that laws prevent criminals or irrational people from doing criminal or irrational things. In reality laws only "may" allow a criminal or irrational person to be apprehended "after" they have done a criminal or irrational act. Why after? Because the criminal or irrational mindset is that they will either never be caught or they simply can't think beyond the act itself to what the final outcome will be.

So fundamentally laws only impede the actions of law abiding or rational thinking people who connect their actions with an eventual and logical outcome. Laws affect the very people who are not a problem because they are already predisposed to not do harmful, irrational, or ciminal things in the first place. Let's consider drinking and driving. Of course I am referring to drinking alcohol.

The rational or non-criminal person knows this is a bad idea and would not set about to do this. Why? Because it is an unsafe thing to do, could cause harm to others, and beside all of this it is illegal. The irrational or criminal person on the other hand thinks nothing of the safety risk, does not consider the harm they might do to someone else, and since they are sure they will never be caught they are not detered by the legal issues.

Now an ignorant person might think that making alcohol illegal could put a stop to the dangers of drinking and driving. Of course if this is true prohibition would have worked. The making, sale and distribution of alcohol was illegal during prohibition. Strangely enough the only real affect was on people who were law abiding citizens. Why? Because the criminal element and irrational people disregarded the law as they always do. There is nothing really surprising about that. It is the way they think and to believe otherwise is simple ignorance. The end result with prohibition was that the criminal element became rich, and the irrational people kept drinking and driving among other things.

Ultimately it became clear that prohibition does not work.

Flash forward to the present and we are once again on the verge of a form of prohibition and the same ignorace of reality is being demonstrated yet again. Laws are being proposed that will only really affect the very people who are not a threat, and will do nothing with regard to the people who are potentially a threat. Nothing that is except the known truth that the new laws will ultimately make criminals rich and leave the rest of use all the worse for repeating and experiment that has failed time and time again.

I get tired of people failing to educate themselves on the way the world really works and how people really think and operate.  Laws are not there to deter criminals but only to remove them from society after they have committed a crime.  Laws really only do the same thing with respect to irrational people, because they do not consider the consequences of their actions.  Ultimately there is no law that can stop an irrational peoson from doing something the first time. 

I believe it has been said many times that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and continuing to expect a different outcome.