Sunday, January 10, 2010

People who desire power and authority

We all know people who desire power and authority. They are the ones who want to control everything and everyone. They want you to live your life their way. They want you to look the way they want you to look, behave the way they want you to behave, think the way they want you to think, avoid the things they want you to avoid, talk the way they want you to talk, and like every bit of it for your own good of course.

They are liberals.

These are the people who are drawn to positions of power and authority the way a moth is drawn to the light. They are compelled from within to be part of Home Owner Associations, School Boards, City Councils, and any of a number of elected positions.

Unfortunately the people who seek these positions are often the very people that should not be in them because they are there for the wrong reason. Their reason is "to control" rather than "to serve."

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