So where's the cover with Obama as Mohammed? Oh, that's right, if you annoy the Religion of Peace, or would that be the religion of blow you to pieces, they might declare that you should be killed.
Of course Obama isn't God or even "a god" with a small g. After all he can't even keep his stories straight without the assistance of a teleprompter. As such, he's not even a particularly adept empty suit.
Instead, Obama is just the latest "installed" figure head for those who pull the strings to advance their agenda for further control of the masses. He's just the front man.
Manipulation is often achieved by offering people two choices, neither one of which is actually a real choice, while hiding the other possible choices.
For example, you can have my healthcare changes or none, you can have my immigration policies or none, you can have my economic policies or none, you can have naked body scanning by the TSA or sexual molestation frisking by the same TSA.
Those who are informed know there are other choices. Putting up with manipulation is not required.
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