Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Reality versus Talk

President Obama produces a lot of talk that sounds like he is doing something, but the reality is very different.

Well after the promised timing of representatives from Washington being promised to arrive to “discuss” things with Governor Brewer, the anticipated meeting finally took place. It amounted to an hour and a half of sitting through White House Security Adviser John Brennan’s power point presentation. Despite requests they did not provide any hard copies to follow or keep for reference. For anyone with gray matter between their ears, providing a hard or soft copy of a power point presentation is easy. So this is clearly a matter of refusal as opposed to inability. That is, they didn’t want any record of what they presented to leak out.

Governor Brewer was clearly frustrated with Obama’s underwhelming response to secure Arizona’s border and here is why:

1. Up to 524 National Guard personnel will be sent to AZ (not the promised 1200).

2. National Guard personnel will be implemented in small numbers and fluctuate incrementally.

3. National Guard personnel will conduct surveillance and support – not ‘boots on the ground’ apprehension duty.

4. National Guard personnel at the peak number of 524 will be available for a limited time.

5. 22 miles of existing border fence will be repaired (we’re talking about a 3 or 4 strand barbed wire fence that can be cut with wire cutters).

6. The $500 million originally pledged to Gov Brewer has been changed to $445 million. $310 million will be given to Mexico. Arizona will receive a whopping $135 million.

So, first of all, the 524 Guard troops will not be here all at the same time, but even if they were this would be ludicrous. This would amount to one solder for every 11 miles of border if they worked 24 hours in 8 hour shifts. But that’s OK because they are not going to be allowed to patrol the border anyway. They are going to be desk jockeys.

It’s all smoke and mirrors to look like the administration is doing something without doing anything at all. The big accomplishment is giving Mexico $310 million. For what? So they can upgrade the equipment the Cartels are using to cross the border and shoot at us?

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