Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I have a dream

Every morning on “Conservative Talk Radio” in Phoenix I hear Dr. Martin Luther King saying, “I have a dream today. One day my four little children will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

Last night I had a dream. It didn’t make any sense at all, but it made me think of something this morning. Why is it that when something makes no sense in a dream do we not realize it makes no sense? Why don’t we realize we are dreaming as opposed to thinking rationally? That in turn prompted me to wonder about something else. When people who are awake do something completely illogical, are they just not thinking or are they dreaming?

Here in Arizona we recently passed a bill which can be used to allow local police to arrest people who are in this country illegally. Arresting a lawbreaker, what a concept. The result has been that a significant segment of the liberal population across the country has taken up the idea of boycotting Arizona businesses and in particular conventions and resorts. They claim they are doing this because arresting illegal aliens would be targeting Hispanic people, yet they don’t realize it is they who are targeting Hispanic people.

Right or wrong, a large segment of hospitality industry employees are Hispanic. I won’t even debate whether they are here legally or illegally. Regardless of their status, a boycott of resorts and conventions have a direct bearing on their employment. No conventions, no vacationers, no need for hospitality employees.

So let’s get this straight. Because an illegal alien law might possibly be mis-used, although we can’t identify exactly how, we will boycott the industry that employs the people we are claiming to help so that they all lose their jobs?

Does the illogic of this escape everyone? Is this a dream or perhaps a nightmare?

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