Monday, May 31, 2010

A Tale of Two Cities

This is not really a tale of two cities, but it is a tale of two groups of people in the same city; Phoenix, Arizona.

This weekend there were two groups of people coming to Phoenix for two very different reasons and with two very different behaviors. One group came to the Phoenix Comicon, and the other group came to protest bill 1070 which was signed into law recently by the Governor of Arizona.

Attendees at the Phoenix Comicon included a lot of people who are in the entertainment industry, many of whom are quite liberal in their beliefs. Celebrities included Wil Wheaton, LeVar Burton, Johnathan Frakes, John Schneider, James Marsters, Aaron Douglas, Gary Lockwood, Kier Dullea, Stan Lee, Chas Masterson, and many more. The underlying theme in what many of these people talked about inevitably involved their thankfulness to the fans who allow them to do what they love to do, and a deep seated respect for their fans. They respected the people who came to see them, and the people who came to see them gave their respect in return.

Then there are the people who came to Phoenix to protest bill 1070. These are people whose whole outlook seems to revolve around disrespect. They disrespect both Federal and State laws regarding illegal immigration. Some of them have disrespected the international border of the United States. They disrespect the Constitution of the United States by demanding “rights” that are not rights at all, but a privilege. They disrespect the populace in general by demanding the people of Arizona be punished by a boycott that will predominantly harm the very people they claim to be supporting.

You get what you give. Respect is never earned through disrespect.

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