Wednesday, March 18, 2020

What I hate about Covid-19

It's been a long time since I was around here.  I am even wondering why I came back.  I am a little upset with the current state of affairs.  Who isn't?  However I am probably more upset over different things.

Yes, the Covid-19 virus, the Corona Virus or whatever you want to call it definitely sucks, but I think what sucks way more is people's behavior.  We are in this situation largely because of really bad behavior of people involved in the government of China.  I am talking about people who were intimidated into not revealing the problem before it got out of hand.  Then those who did reveal it demonstrated the governmental manipulation problem.  Some of them paid for that with their lives.  Oh, they were chalked up to Corona Virus victims, but of course they would be.  I also guarantee that North Korea is doing exactly the same thing.

Having said all of this I am still not addressing the thing that I think sucks even worse.  In many ways humanity is acting like an "immune system" that has run amok.  We are doing way more damage to the body than that virus that triggered this whole event.  When all is said and done I predict the death toll due to collateral damage rather than the virus itself will be much higher than the toll directly due to the virus.  We are also demonstrating that panic can lead to people doing incredibly stupid things.  That is because panicked people don't think.  They just react and usually react in ways that are ultimately counter productive.

That leads me to something that is just infuriating me and that is the roll that news media has had in generating panic.  Cue dramatic music - announcer in dramatic baritone voice, "Corona Virus catastrophe brings an end to the world.  News at 11," followed by flashy video graphics.  Yes, this is hyperbole, but not by much.  The news media is not just presenting facts as they should, they are presenting a lot of unsupported opinion as if it is fact and providing dramatic emphasis to sell it to all of us.  Why?  Ratings and market share.  Catastrophe sells.  It sucks in viewers.  It gets people to watch the advertising.  It keeps you glued to your screen.

Then of course you have the "talking heads" many of whom actually know little if anything but realize if they can say something outrageous they are brought back time and again.  They enjoy the fame and their place of self appointed importance.  They don't add anything constructive to the situation but only serve to raise the level of panic that helps to drive the herd wherever you want them to go.

You may realize that I hate being manipulated.  I hate attempts to panic me that interfere with critical thinking.  I hate being steered in ways that are not in my best interest or the best interest of those I care about.  I hate seeing people being turned into drones that sprout "party lines" and unsupported accusations.  I hate seeing people being divided when they should instead be unified and supporting one another.  However, divide and conquer seems to be the theme of these times.  It's sad and makes me angry.

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