Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Obama Money

Most have heard about the women joyfully announcing that they are going to get Obama money from "his stash" and having exactly zero idea where any such money might come from. Well, that's not an isolated incident.

I know someone who works to register people for college classes and he has been fielding calls for months regarding women who believe that they can register for college and that Obama is going to "pay their way." Why do they think this? Because they have been taught to eat fish, not how to fish.

There is an old adage that if you give a man a fish he will eat for a day, but if you teach him how to fish he will eat for a lifetime. Liberalism doesn't want people to know how to fish, it wants them to depend on the next handout and be lost without it and therefore remain dependent upon liberals for their very survival. Why? Because, when people are dependent, those upon whom they depend have the power and control.

If you can keep people dumb and dependent you don't have an informed populace, what you have is slaves dependent upon their master for food, clothing, and their very survival. As those who have been slaves begin to figure this out and become educated, the liberals among us move on the the next under-educated group and welcomes them into the fold of salvery and dependency. This has most recently become the illegal aliens from Mexico, Central and South America.

Will people eventually learn? Not if you can keep them ignorant of history and the way the world actually works. So as long as they think they are getting free money to do things "from Obama's stash" the liberals have them right where they want them. There is an old saying that there is no one so blind as he who will not see.

There is no one so enslaved as he who refuses to be free.

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